Wednesday 11 May 2011


The above video explains how individuals perceive time, the concept of perceiving something whether it is time, product or even an individual is the same. It is like a stereotype or an image we build of something regardless of whether how correct our observations may be.  There have been a number of times in which I have made a perception of an individual and item and it has not been anywhere near correct when I’ve actually realised or got to know the individual. Perception in majority cases is not what we are but it’s how we come across, for example I may not be a very strong person at all but in emotional situations I may wished to be perceived that I am a strong individual therefore I may act in a certain way and hold a strong front to come across as a strong individual.
The most recent time in which I have found that my perception of an individual was not as I had built at all is my manager, from my part time job. Two years ago before I met my manager, I had been told that she is a horrible cranky Scottish woman, so before even meeting her the comments I had heard about her from people who had previously worked with her were all of a very negative nature, which aided me in building a bad perception of her, however it has taken me 2 years to break that perception and actually get to know my manager and find that she’s actually one of the people that I get on with most in my workforce. Before I went onto even meet my manager I had already built up barriers and a bad image of her therefore this was going to make me obviously pick all the bad points about the individual regardless of who the individual may be.  in the future before I make a perception of an individual I would firstly get to know them and then after a couple of meeting I would start to sketch an image of the individual in my mind, rather than already holding a nasty image in my head before even meeting the individual.
There are a number of ways in which universities can improve the communication they have with individuals; however I will be highlighting three on this occasion.
The article attached suggests, a number of recommendations on how to improve communication with staff, one of them is to keep a personal touch, the university should consider this and maybe generate a text messaging service, as phones are personal to every individual or majority of people who attend universities, therefore  having a text messaging service is personal and allows staff and students to have a understanding and it also gives a more meaningful meaning in the sense that tutors /lecturers texting individuals on how well they have done on their assignments or attendance whether it be a issue or not. Another mean of communication could be fact to face meetings, on a weekly basis, as face to face communication has a great effect indicates personalisation, also because the lecturers and students share the same goal, in regards to the lecturers aim is to help the student pass and the students aim is to pass, therefore on face to face meeting both individuals can discuss the holdbacks and the improvements that need to be made and any concerns may also be raised and discussed. Having understanding and engagement between the staff and students is also essential has they need to be able to engage into what one is saying to another, therefore there should be smaller sized lectures in universities so there is a closer focus on each student, and all students have a set amount of time individually each lecture so they are able to discuss work issues, or trouble shoot anything they don’t understand so lecturers will need to be more approachable this will aid in communication between the lecturers and students.

Overall Perception, can come across as a very negative and bad process, as it is an image or info people collate before seeing or testing and item, or person.

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