Wednesday 11 May 2011


 The complex of all the attributes--behavioural, temperamental, emotional and mental--that characterize a unique individual.

The debate of nature approach and nurture approach to personality has been going on for numerous years now. The nature approach to personality consists of an individual’s attributes in regards to the persons qualities, involving mind, body and spirit. In other words the nature of personality is the way and individuals mind, body and spirit reacts it also involves the way an individual behaves. The nurture of personality all depends on a person developing from their personal experiences.

The differences between the two are that the nature approach to personality is largely based on genetic and more general attributes within most humans. These are characteristics such as looks, certain things we do simply because of the family backgrounds we come from or because it’s within our DNA to react to certain things the way we do as it’s acceptable in the background and culture we come from. However the nurture approach to personality is more about what we have learnt from our personal experiences, it also consists of the upbringing that we have been given up till date. Social influences are also a large factor that influences the nurture approach to personality.
The following are all my results to the test I took on the bbc website:
·        Openness
You scored 4.2 out of 5 for Openness
You scored high on Openness.
This trait is sometimes known as ‘Openness to experience’. People with scores like yours tend to be imaginative and curious about a wide range of things, from appreciating different art forms to exploring new places, cultures and foods.
Generating lots of imaginative ideas probably comes very easily to you. However, it's likely that you are prone to daydreaming too.
Innovators, investigators and creators often score highly on this trait. It has also been suggested that Openness is related to a person's likelihood to hold unusual beliefs. Do you enjoy the odd conspiracy theory?

·        Conscientiousness


You scored 3.7 out of 5 for Conscientiousness

You scored medium on Conscientiousness.
Conscientiousness describes how dependable, organised and hard-working a person is likely to be. This may be the reason why, of all the personality traits, Conscientiousness is the most consistent indicator of job success. People with scores like yours are less likely to be workaholics, instead achieving a good work-life balance.
Conscientiousness often gives clues to the amount that a person plans. You probably enjoy planning aspects of your life and may indulge in occasional list-making, but you are unlikely to be averse to behaving spontaneously.
Some studies have shown the more Conscientious an individual is, the more disciplined they are likely to be about exercise and diet.

·        Extroversion


You scored 4.5 out of 5 for Extroversion

You scored high on Extroversion.
Extroversion is characterised by positive emotions and the tendency to seek out pleasure-stimulating or risk-taking activities. People with scores like yours are often perceived as gregarious, expressive and energetic. You are likely to be someone who enjoys socialising and be quick to form new friendships.
Personality studies have shown that scoring highly on Extroversion often translates to a natural capacity for leadership. High Extroversion may also indicate a tendency to earn more than those with lower scores, but the reasons for this are unclear.
People with high Extroversion are more likely to lead risky lifestyles and take greater risks in pursuit of rewards. Health studies have shown they are more likely to smoke and less likely to get enough sleep than people who score less highly on this trait.

·        Agreeableness


You scored 4.2 out of 5 for Agreeableness

You scored high on Agreeableness.
Agreeableness measures how sympathetic and considerate a person is likely to be. People with scores like yours are likely to find it very easy to get along with other people. You probably find that you are sensitive to the feelings of others and that people find it easy to warm to you.
As a 'people person' you will probably be very comfortable in situations that require teamwork.

·        Neuroticism


You scored 3.1 out of 5 for Neuroticism

You scored medium on Neuroticism.
In the context of the Big Five personality traits, the term 'Neuroticism' relates to a person’s response to threatening or stressful situations. People with scores like yours are likely to be comparatively level-headed about perceived threats, but you may find yourself worrying when faced with uncertainty or unfamiliar situations.
Some scientists have suggested that Neuroticism was beneficial in evolutionary terms. Early man may have found it advantageous to live in a population where certain individuals had a high sensitivity to threats to the group's survival.
There is evidence to suggest that Neuroticism, when combined with high scores in personality traits such as Conscientiousness, can result in a powerful work ethic and a will to succeed.

·        Life satisfaction

The questions you answered about your life satisfaction have been used to reveal the degree to which you feel contentment in key areas of your life. Data from this part of the Big Personality Test will help scientists understand the relationship between personality and life satisfaction.
You scored high. Research has uncovered relationships between personality and life satisfaction. People with high Extroversion consistently score more highly than others on scales used to measure a person's level of wellbeing or happiness.
You scored high on Extroversion. This is consistent with research that shows that people with scores like yours tend to score high on measures of wellbeing.
Extroversion relates to how much positive emotion a person experiences. This may help explain why they often score highly on measures of wellbeing.

·        Relationships

The questions you answered about your relationships have been used to generate a score that indicates how satisfied you are in your current or most recent relationship. Data from this part of the Big Personality Test will help scientists understand the connections between personality and relationship quality.
Research shows that there is an association between relationship satisfaction and the trait of Agreeableness.
You scored high on Agreeableness. This neither supports nor contradicts research that indicates an association between relationship satisfaction and the trait of Agreeableness; successful relationships are often based on concern for the feelings of others. It is important to remember, however, that many factors can influence satisfaction in a relationship, not least the similarity of the couple's values.
Agreeableness relates to a person’s ability to understand other people’s thoughts and feelings. It may be this greater awareness of the feelings of others is what leads them to experience generally higher relationship satisfaction.

·        Job satisfaction

The questions you answered about your job satisfaction have been used to generate a score that indicates how happy you are in your job. Data from this part of the Big Personality Test will help scientists understand the relationship between personality and job satisfaction. Good job satisfaction is seen as a key feature of a well-balanced life.
You scored low. Research indicates that a low Neuroticism score in a person's Big Five results is the best predictor of high job satisfaction.
You scored medium on Neuroticism. This neither supports nor contradicts research that shows that people with scores like yours tend to score medium on measures of job satisfaction.
The reasons behind the relationship between job satisfaction and Neuroticism are not clear. However, it is known that those scoring highly on Neuroticism generally report a less positive outlook on life. Accordingly, this could be reflected in their feelings towards work.

·        Health

The questions you answered about your health have been used to generate a score that indicates your general level of health and wellbeing. Data from this part of the Big Personality Test will help scientists understand the relationship between personality traits and physical and mental wellbeing.
Research has uncovered relationships between personality and health. In particular, Conscientiousness has consistently been shown as a positive predictor of good health.
You scored medium on Conscientiousness. Research shows that people with Conscientiousness scores broadly similar to yours are more likely to score highly on measures of health. It is important to remember, however, that there are many other factors that affect also your health, from your environment to your genes.
One reason that has been suggested for the relationship between Conscientiousness and health is that highly conscientious people can be disciplined and controlled in their daily habits, such as diet and exercise. Behaviour such as completing a course of medication prescribed by a doctor is thought to be an example of how a personality trait can contribute to a measurable outcome in our lives.

·        Life goals


The questions you answered about your life goals have been used to reveal common themes in how you live your life and the things that are important to you. Data from this part of the Big Personality Test will help scientists understand the relationship between personality and life goals.
Your results showed your goals are predominantly economic; you value the prestige your job brings you. Research has uncovered relationships between personality and life goals. It suggests that people with high Openness scores tend to pursue aesthetic goals, while people with high Extroversion scores tend to pursue hedonistic goals.
Scientists would like to know more about the personalities of people with life goals similar to yours.
The results I have received from carrying out the personality tests are highly agreeable, the analysis show the type of individual I may be or the type of individuals that normally score the scores that i have scored in each section. However this may not be the case with everyone, as a lot of individuals show certain traits in front of certain people. Some attributes of personality we gain genetically from the second we are born, which work through our minds body and soul others are traits that we pick up from social groups or traits that we develop from experiences.

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