Friday 28 January 2011

EnTeRpRiSe WeEk...

Enterprise week consisted of a series of programmes in which were organised in aid to make students aware of all the opportunities that are still there whilst they are studying, as well as opportunities after graduating. 

The event I attended was the event that was presented by the winner of the apprentice, Yasmina Siadaten.
This session consisted of her explaining her experience and what degree of struggle she had pull through in order to actually succeed and win the apprentice. Yasmina went onto saying how difficult it was to build team working skills and work with the other team members in the show.  

This was a great opportunity for students to realise that shows like the apprentice are great opportunities and are achievable for people like us also as she was also a graduate and lived locally. She explained how it is achievable and if we work hard towards a goal it is just a mile away and we can reach for all our dreams and achieve all our goals. 

Listening to her talk about her experience on the apprentice was very inspiring as it motivated me to also do well in y degree and achieve all my goals and make m y dreams come true, it was an excellent opportunity to realise that all dreams are achievable no matter how high and far your dream may seem.

1 comment:

  1. Very limited review of event and reflection on how it impacted you. I suspect you ran out of time in trying to complete all 6 blogs within the deadline. You achieved the timescale, but this blog needs far more information and the culture blog needs rewriting
