Wednesday 11 May 2011


There are a number of different ways in which organisations select individuals they want to work for their organisation, there are numerous selection methods which enable the employers to come to the decision as to which candidate is the most suitable individual for the job role.
‘The ultimate goal of selection is usually expressed as ‘to choose the best person for the job’. Selectors attempt to match candidates to the job requirements, predicting how well they will perform if offered the position.’
Page 116 people and organisations, 2nd ED, M.Farmer, W.yellowley.
The organisation that I have chosen to look into is the section process that Argos use, the following three methods that are implemented during the process of selection so the organisation is able to ensure that they are selecting suitable candidates for the job role.
Interviews, this is one of the most common and frequently used methods of selection and almost all organisations implement this as it enables for the employer to meet the individual and gives them a hands on judgement of the individual’s abilities and personality.
The pros of an interview are as follows:
·        This method allows direct feedback from the respondents, ensures the employer that all the responses are given by the intended respondent
·        Allows flexibility in regards to the location of where the interview takes place, also allows the interviewer to exploit further interpersonal skills and knowledge to get an inner and in depth approach to intended ideas by the respondent.
·        Allows clarification of questions and gives the opportunity to grasp an idea and explain in further detail, this obviously increases validity of information provided.
·        Allows the interviewer to have personal interaction with the respondent which builds upon comfort ability levels.
The cons of an interview are as follows:
·        It is a highly time consuming process, as the interviewer has to take out a set amount of time and conduct and interview and then generate a full analysis of the respondents answers.
·        Flexibility, this can however in some occasions lead to inconsistencies which are not appropriate or efficient within the selection process.
·        They lead to having high costs, as there is a vast amount of time being takes out for interviews, analysis of data etc.
·        Analysis in some occasions can be difficult, in less there is a data plan and the plan should consist of exactly what data should and shouldn’t be taken.   
Another selection method that Argos use is short listing from CV’s and application forms, this is a effective method to use to collate information, and create a general profile of an individual that you are intending to interview. It also gives you all the education and experience details that are relevant to the individual and may be required for the job role the individual has applied for.
The advantages of this selection method are:
·        It is cost effective for the organisation as all their having to do is take time and read through the application or the CV, the application being more relevant as it gives all the information the organisation actually want to know, as its designed by their recruiting department.
·        It aids the interviewer in being consistent when interviewing the applicant as they have the CV or the application to refer back to.
The disadvantages of this method are as follows:
·        On the basis of a CV or application it is difficult to build an image of the applicant as they both only consist of all hate positive factors of an individual so it makes it difficult to judge whether the applicant would be suitable for the role.
·        Does not consist of all of applicants skills and experiences so does not on all occasions provide
The third selection method that Argos us as part of their recruitment process is role plays. This is an excellent way to observe whether the individual has the capability to tackle day to day obstacles in a working environment and it also assess how an individual would deal with an unreasonable or awkward customer.
The pros of this method are:
·        Allows the opportunity to learn what kind of obstacles the individual may face on their day to day working environment
·        Gives the interviewer a better idea of the individuals abilities
·        Offers an inner view of capability and individuals approach to situations.
The cons of this method are as follows:
·        On occasions like this nerves take the best of individuals
·        It’s just an act not all situations would be the way the role play is set
·        It’s a very narrow observation and gives limited information
An interview that I have been a part of that was not effective for a number of reasons is my very first interview, at Sainsbury’s. The selection methods that the organisation used to interview the applicants were references and online tests. The reason that I thought this interview was not effective is because, the two selection methods that were used are the methods which are the least effective in regards to assessing an individual’s capabilities to the specific rile that the organisation may be recruiting for as neither of them are itemised to any individual. Online tests can be taken by anyone, so they are not 100% reliable as it cannot be assured that the applicant has completed the test, anyone could have completed it and there is no way of actually proving anything either. The interview for the job role was a group interview and each team consisted of 15 applicants from which then that got short listed to 3 applicants which were hired. The reason why I believe the interview was not effective as it is extremely difficult to assess and individuals capability, skills and abilities when there are 15 other applicants, as some individuals will shine through as they are more confident but don’t hold the experience or knowledge whereas a very quiet individual may hold all the relevant capability, skills and experience, which could lead as a downfall to the organisation.  Also it was very difficult to contribute to any conversation during the interview as there were so many other individuals so by the end of it everyone had only answered 1 question each as the interview running time was half an hour. There was not enough time for everyone to express themselves to the full extent that they wished and there weren’t any opportunities where individuals could take and grasp upon.                     
The organisation that I have chosen and I think needs recommendations for improvements within the selection process is Sainsbury’s as they only implement three simple but very straight forward selection methods as part of the process, from which it is extremely difficult to judge whether an individual is capable of carrying out the required job role efficiently. The selection methods that Sainsbury’s use are, references, interviews and online tests, the references don’t always allow a full prescription as to what the organisation may be looking for in regards to job description. Online tests as stated before can and have been done by other people and not the applicants on a number of occasions. The interviews that Sainsbury’s conduct are not effective at all as there are too many people in one go which makes it really difficult to analyse an individual’s ability. I think the recommendations that Sainsbury’s need to undertake as they are a leading, large organisation is that they need to include some type of role play into their selection process as this allows large organisations to find out whether the individual has the ability to offer the deliverance of customer service that their customers require. Another selection method that they should introduce as part of their selection method is tests, as there are a number of positive factors to implementing tests, it enables organisations to analyse the ability that individuals have from which they are able to draw analysis and conclude whether there is capability of the individual coping well within the working environment of Sainsbury’s. Tests can be itemised to the organisation.
Having overviewed selection methods and extensively researching into them it comes to attention that selection methods are an excellent and highly efficient way as part of the short listing process which enables employers to select the suitable employees/applicants for their organisation.

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