Friday 28 January 2011


Conflict can affect individual’s day to day life as it causes discomfort, frustration, irritation, pain etc.  Conflict can arise between friends, family, work forces almost anywhere, Brooks in 2006 proposed the definition of conflict as:

‘Conflict is apparent when at least one party perceives that it exists and where an interest or concern of that party is about to be or has been compromised or frustrated.’ 

Blackboard powerpoint

The business dictionary defines the work conflict as:
‘Friction or opposition resulting from actual or perceived differences or incompatibilities. Conflict may have negative as well as positive characteristics.’

Conflict arises when individuals in a group or gang are not able to work towards the same goal and have the same thrive to be driven towards an aim or objectives that require to be attained.
Sources of power:
Power is when one individual manages to attain the authority to instruct another individual on what to do and when to do so, even if the other individual does not wish to or even if they wouldn’t normally carry out such an activity.

‘The most common description of power is French and Raven (1960). This divides power into five different forms.

Coercive power
This is the power to force someone to do something against their will. It is often physical although other threats may be used. It is the power of dictators, despots and bullies. Coercion can result in physical harm, although its principal goal is compliance. Demonstrations of harm are often used to illustrate what will happen if compliance is not gained.
Coercion is also the ultimate power of all governments. Although it is often seen as negative, it is also used to keep the peace. Parents coerce young children who know no better. A person holds back their friend who is about to step out in front of a car.
Other forms of power can also be used in coercive ways, such as when a reward or expertise is withheld or referent power is used to threaten social exclusion.

Reward power
One of the main reasons we work is for the money we need to conduct our lives. There are many more forms of reward -- in fact anything we find desirable can be a reward, from a million dollar yacht to a pat on the back.
Reward power is thus the ability to give other people what they want, and hence ask them to do things for you in exchange.
Rewards can also be used to punish, such as when they are withheld. The promise is essentially the same: do this and you will get that.

Legitimate power
Legitimate power is that which is invested in a role. Kings, policemen and managers all have legitimate power. The legitimacy may come from a higher power, often one with coercive power. Legitimate power can often thus be the acceptable face of raw power.
A common trap that people in such roles can fall into is to forget that people are obeying the position, not them. When they either fall from power or move onto other things, it can be a puzzling surprise that people who used to fawn at your feet no long do so.

Referent power
This is the power from another person liking you or wanting to be like you. It is the power of charisma and fame and is wielded by all celebrities (by definition) as well as more local social leaders. In wanting to be like these people, we stand near them, hoping some of the charisma will rub off onto us.
Those with referent power can also use it for coercion. One of the things we fear most is social exclusion, and all it takes is a word from a social leader for us to be shunned by others in the group.

Expert power
When I have knowledge and skill that someone else requires, then I have Expert power. This is a very common form of power and is the basis for a very large proportion of human collaboration, including most companies where the principle of specialization allows large and complex enterprises to be undertaken.
Expert power is that which is used by Trades Unions when they encourage their members to strike for better pay or working conditions. It is also the power of the specialist R&D Engineer when they threaten to leave unless they get an exorbitant pay rise or a seat by the window.’

The following are 5 strategies that organisations can apply in order to overcome conflict in a work place...
‘One way to deal with conflict between employees is to hold a meeting whom ever the conflict is involving. In the meeting I'll try to discuss the issues and how they got started to finally end the problems. This way that I know that this particular conflict between then wont happen again in the work place. A publisher on also agrees with that holding a meeting with solve conflict between employees, rather its a three-way meeting or a regular one all together.
A second method that I can use to solve conflict between employees is to separate the employees involved in the problem to different areas of the work place. This way the issue or issues wont escalate around the work place. Also this way the conflict will be dramatically reduced because they are unable to have physical contact with each other.
Another way to solve conflict between employees is Collaboration. Collaboration is when you search for a solution that meets the needs of both parties involving the conflict. Using this method not only will the conflict be solved, but both parties will be satisfied. Schermerhorn Management Edition 10 also explains and agrees with this conflict resolving method.
A fourth method that can be used to deal with conflict between employees is to simply demand the issues between the employees to stop. You can also explain to them that serious consequences will occur if they disobey the demand to stop the conflict. If they do happen to disobey the warning than you could either choose to suspend or fire them, depending on the seriousness of the situation to you. This method should end conflict and it should show the seriousness of bringing conflict to work, and disobeying the manager to the other employees.
Lastly, a fifth method that can be used to deal with conflict between employees is to recognize to employee staring all the problems and fire that person or send him to a different business location. This way the conflict will end and surly not come up again in the work place. fully agrees with the method to dealing with a problem employee, because some employees won’t always listen to the demand, agreements, and meetings.
In conclusion, there are many ways to deal with conflict between other individuals in work places, homes, schools, or anywhere at that matter. But the five explain and gave are the best five ways to deal with conflict that occurs in a work place. Either method will most certainly work to solve problems in any work place.’
It is essential for organisations to recognise and identify issues within a firm and to deal with it by taking immediate action to prevent any discomfort and hurting other employees.
Overall it is difficult to stay on track with your goals if there is conflict in an organisation, as it does not allow for aims and objectives to be achieved.

1 comment:

  1. This blog is all cut and pasted from articles and websites. Just because you have given the link to the site, does not make it acceptable to copy huge chunks of information. This blog is unacceptable. please re-write, using your own words and thoughts based on the research you have carried out. Also the first element of the blog is missing, with an example of conflict you have witnessed
